Friday, February 24, 2012

nail care

Do your nails peel and crack easily? What about breakage? Well, a few easy tips can help you take care of your nails and prevent further distress.

First off, protection. You need to protect your nails. You do this by using physical barriers. Your first tool for this is a good ol' pair of gloves. If you are cleaning your home with harsh chemicals wear some plastic, rubber, or latex gloves. You can buy these gloves at the dollar store, and they are worth the investment. After all, it is easier to prevent damage than to repair it.

Your second tool is clear nail polish. When painting your nails, always start with a base coat of clear polish. If you like glitter in your nail polish, a clear coat underneath will provide a barrier so your actual nail won't get scratched by the glitter. If you favor darker shades, wearing a clear polish can help protect your nail from becoming stained.

If you don't like painting your nails, I would suggest wearing a clear coat of polish instead of having bare nails. A simple clear coat offers a small protection against whatever you may come in contact with as you go about your day.

That said, I would recommend letting your nails go natural (for at least a day) between polishings. Polish doesn't allow your nails to breath or take in moisture, which can make them brittle and breakable. I usually do my nails about once a week, and I let them air out for about a day in between polishings. On that day, I really give them special treatment, so they can last another week underneath my polish. I apply cuticle oil, cocoa butter, you name it, and let them soak it in. It has really made a difference for my nails.

If you are in the habit of sporting bare nails, moisturize them often. Dry weather can affect nails and cuticles, too. Whenever you apply hand lotion, massage some into your nails and cuticles to head off this problem.

You also want to take special care with what you put on your nails. While removers containing acetone tend to work quite well, they are hard on your nails. Instead, try a non-acetone remover. It might take a little while longer to remove your polish, but your nails will thank you. And as I mentioned earlier,  it is easier to prevent damage than to repair it.

Bottom line: be nice to your nails, and they will be nice to you.

Best of luck in your own nail care :-)

Monday, February 20, 2012

CONCEAL the Madness!!

OK so heres the 411.
Yellow Concealer: great for under the eyes. the yellow color cancels out the blue/purple of under eye bags; although recently i heard peach works better. i've never tried that one though, so if you do be sure n lemme know whatchu thinkk!

Green Concealer: cancels out reds of blemishes and acne scars, it hides them quite well in my opinion if you get the right shade of green (darker for darker skin tones and lighter for lighter skin tones)

Any Concealer about Two Shades Darker than YOUR Skin: great for contouring your features, making your cheekbones pop more or your nose sharper.

Hope you enjoy :]

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I love me some Bubz y'all

So honestly, in my spare time one thing I really love to do is sit around and watch youtube videos on hair and make up tutorials etc to get ideas. Now of course I have some people that are more of my favorites than others, but I ain't no hater! So credit to BubzBeauty for being incredible :]

Now, honestly one of my New Years Resolutions is to try and be less damaging to my hair. I admittedly am quite cruel to it at times; I dye it, use heating products, brush it when its wet..all kind of horrors. This is coming to a stop. This video worked really well for me because I'm not a big fan of my natural hair and am constantly looking for new ways to do it without damaging it such as straighening/curling irons do. SO I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! Peace out home skillets :]

Saturday, February 4, 2012

longer looking lashes

I have a little trick to get longer looking lashes: coat lashes from root to tip with brown mascara, then gently coat the ends with black mascara. This draws greater attention to the ends of your lashes, making them appear longer. Neat, huh?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh headbands, I could write you a poem..

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I have horrible hair on my head
and dont know what to do!?
(HEADBANDS, thats what I should doo!)

Bad hair days are the WORST, we all know it. it's the pits. how to remedy this, you ask!? Well Sara gave you one genius solution with homemade flower clips that are cute and effective :]

One of my personal favorite solutions is headbands. People are fooled into thinking you have cute hair, whaat! Amazing right? Makes my day better every time people compliment my hair on a bad day.

So simple. Sometimes my hair is just simply unmanagable and requires being put up, and warning now..I got picture happy for this blog because I love headbands and own seriously a million and four. BUT c'mon, admit the headband helps!

Now, honestly naturally I have that half-wavey half-straight hair that just doesn't feel the need to conform to either one, and sometimes when I'm running late I OWN my natural hair. Its the best thing to do even on days I'm not running late, just distract from the fact a little bit that my hair is totally insane. You know, no biggie.

And honestly, even when I take the time to do my hair..I feel it needs just a lil something extra n throw on a headband for pretty :D

headbands are your friends. accept it. embrace it.