Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beautiful Inside & Out

Healthy hair, skin, and nails all come from within. "You are what you eat"—who knew?

There are many schools of thought as far as what is healthy and ethical to consume.

I don't want to debate the pros and cons of each, but I will give you my two cents:

   1. We absorb nutrients best if we eat the foods in which they naturally occur. This means that while taking supplements certainly helps, eating foods that are naturally high in nutrients are better.

   2. Any sort of processing breaks down nutrients. Any sort of processing—even cooking—breaks down nutrients. What am I saying? Make sure to eat plenty of fresh foods: vegetables, fruits, even nuts. Also, eat plenty of whole foods, especially whole grains.

  3. Keep it balanced. You know what they say about too much of a good thing... Eat a wide variety of foods, and don't feel like you have to completely give up the foods you love in order to stay healthy.

   4. Choose a diet that works for you. Vegetarian, vegan, paleo, [whatever else is out there...]—what to choose! Make the choice that suits you, but make an informed choice. Make sure you understand exactly what an eating style entails, how you will get your essential nutrients, and how it will affect your life.

Chew on that.


Alycia (Crowley Party) said...

great things to know! love your blogs :)

Elizabeth said...

This is so great, Sara. I love this blog. (And no wonder your hair and skin is so beautiful!)